State Basketball Free Throw Competition

Brothers, it is now coming up on mid January, and you should have a plan for your council’s Basketball Free Throw Competition, if you haven’t completed it yet.  Grand Knights, be sure to ask your District Deputy or other Grand Knights in your district if other councils are also holding a competition, so a district competition can be organized.  I would ask that all competition organizers have their winners make basket attempts for the State competition after district or regional events, or after the council event if there will not be a higher one in your area.  If there are no Jurisdiction level points marked on score sheets that are submitted to me, they may be disqualified even if the previous level scores are higher than their competitors’.  I would like all Jurisdiction competition entries to me by the end of March at the latest, but I would prefer by the weekend of the 23rd/24th, as Easter is on the last weekend of March.  Entries can be submitted to me by email at  Feel free to email me or call me at 306-690-1626 and leave a message if you have any questions.

Cody Geiger
Saskatchewan State Basketball Free Throw Chairman


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