Prayer Request – Rev Bernard De Margerie has passed away

We are saddened to announce that Fr. Bernard de Margerie, a retired priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon well-known for his ecumenical and inter-faith work, died March 3 at St. Ann’s residence after several weeks of failing health.
In a message to the diocese, Bishop Mark Hagemoen said: “We join together in prayer for Rev. Bernard De Margerie, and for his family and our diocese at this time. We also hold in prayer the many people who are grieving his passing and who have been affected by his life and ministry over the years.”
Details are still forthcoming about Fr. Bernard’s funeral (tentatively planned for Monday, March 18 at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon). Fr. Bernard de Margerie was a member of Council 8301 and Assembly 2700.
Let us pray: “Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May Fr. Bernard rest in the Peace and Light of Christ.”