KofC Carol Festival – Regina

Dear Individuals, Organizations, Business & Corporate Sponsors

For over 80 years now the Regina Carol Festival has supported local charities with much-needed financial aid and after a 3-year in-person absence the annual Christmas Carol Festival is back with your new hosts, the Knights of Columbus.

The event will take place over two evenings on Monday, Dec 11th and Tuesday, Dec 12th  from 7-9 pm at the Knox Metropolitan United Church in Regina.  We have partnered with Access Communications to air this live on Access Now TV and Access Now App.

Many local choirs will be performing to help raise our community spirit, foster goodwill towards all individuals and assist in raising much-needed funds to help our community charities.  This year we financially support the Salvation Army, Regina Food Bank, Access Communications Childrens Fund and the Coats for Kids Program.

We recognize that there are a lot of requests during this time of the year for your financial support but hope that you will consider us worthy of your financial support for these charities.

We have several levels of donation possibilities or recognition available for your consideration.

All donations of $20.00 or more will be eligible for a tax receipt. 

Bronze Sponsor: You as an individual will have your name type cast on the TV screen for one evening during the telecast with a minimum donation of $100.00. 

Silver Sponsor: You as an organization will have your organization’s name type cast on the TV screen displayed repeatedly during the telecast on both nights with a minimum donation of $250.00.

Gold Sponsor: You as a Business or Corporation will have your business or corporate name type cast on the TV screen displayed repeatedly during the telecast on both nights with a minimum donation of $500.00.

Platinum Sponsor: You as a Business or Corporation will have your business or corporate name type cast on the TV screen displayed repeatedly during the telecast on both nights as well as allowed to present your donation live during the telecast and be acknowledged publicly with a minimum donation of $1,000.00.

                For Silver, Gold or Platinum sponsorship please advise of your intention prior to December 8, 2023 so that proper arrangements may be made to recognize you.

                Online donations can be made until December 31, 2023.

Carol festival details and donation instructions may be found on the attached promotional flyer.

We ask for your assistance in promoting this Carol Festival to get the word out quickly, bringing our community together and making a difference in people’s lives.

If you have any questions or require clarifications, please contact:

Andrij Lazurko at andrijl@semc.ca or 306-533-2750


Click here to download the promotional flyer.


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