Installation of Assembly Officers was held at Father William  Brueck Assembly #1068

An Installation of Assembly Officers was held at Father William Brueck Assembly #1068 at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert on Friday, June 20th.

District Friar Bishop Emeritus Albert Thevenot celebrated Mass with Father Maurice Follieu, Father Jim Kaplein and Father Travis Myrheim. 

PSD District Master Chris Bencharski installed the officers for the 2024-25 Fraternal Year.

A delicious supper was held afterwards followed by a short program with District Master Chris as the Guest Speaker. Master Chris thanked the Assembly officers for all the great work they do each year and encouraged them to continue their patriotic programs for their church and community.

  • Installation of Faithful Admiral Maurice Chalifour
  • Installation of Faithful Pilot Boris Billay
  • Installation of Faithful Captain John Piggott
  • Installation of Faithful Navigator Tony Gareau
  • Installation of District Friar Bshop Emeritus Albert
  • William Brueck Assembly #1068 officers

Click here to download the text of the installation.


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