Funeral Mass For Fr. Pat Murphy

Brothers and Sir Knights:

I found this on the Parish of Holy Trinity website:

The Funeral Service for Father Pat Murphy will occur at Holy Trinty Parish, 

5020 Sherwood Drive, Regina, on Thursday, November 16, at 2 PM.  Kindly arrive a minimum of 20 minutes early for set up and order of service.

Clergy requires a 4th Degree Honour Guard.  All those 4th Degrees with and without uniforms and 3rd-degree Knights are requested to attend to form the Honour Guard.

Kindly let me know if you plan on attending.

Council 10401, if you could supply sashes for those who are in need, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, SK Bob, for the prior information and thank you Brother Knights for all that you do for the Knights in any capacity.

Vivat Jesus
Brother Dan
Viva Christo Rey

Dan W. Devers SMD
Southern Marshal 4th Degree
CCC Assembly 1064, Regina, SK.
2723 Jolly Place E.
Regina, SK.  S4V 0X8


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