Congratulations Denis Mahoney Council 8215

Brother Knights

Congratulations to Council 8215 on winning the Knights Amazing Race Saskatchewan for the fourth quarter. It was an honour to present the trophy to your council and host you with pizza and refreshments. Good job Grand Knight Tyler Wist and congratulations to your council on the installation of officers. Great night, great Fraternity and excellent turnout.

Larry Packet State Deputy Saskatchewan

Amazing Race Q4 Winner
Newly installed Officers of Denis Mahoney Council 8215
Amazing Race Q4 Winner
State Deputy Larry Packet presents GK Tyler Wist with the trophy for the winner of Q4 of the Amazing Race
Amazing Race Q4 Winner
State Deputy Larry Packet presents GK Tyler Wist with the trophy for the winner of Q4 of the Amazing Race
Amazing Race Q4 Winner
State Deputy Larry Packet Presents Val Wilson, widow of Former District Deputy Andy Wilson who was recognized at the Supreme Convention in Florida
Amazing Race Q4 Winner
District Deputy Lance Lacroix and State Warden Dale Meier Install Officers
Amazing Race Q4 Winner
Grand Knight Tyler Wist


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