Coats for Kids – 2023-2024

I am super excited to announce this year’s campaign is ready to begin. Like everything else in our world, retail prices for coats have increased a bit. This will only make the demand higher than before. We have been able to hold the cost at $200.00 per box thanks to Supreme backing our efforts of putting warm coats on our kids during our cold winter months.  

Through the combined efforts of our State Board and the Sask Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation, we will order all the coats by October 31st, 2023. At least four locations in Saskatchewan will receive delivery for pick up closest to you.

It will work very similar to past years.  You will fill in an order form (attached) and get it to me, Shawn Scherr. I will log all the orders and distribution points as you have indicated on the Order Form and advise when you can pick them up for distribution.

In the past, we had Councils that didn’t have a need in their areas.  If you are fortunate to not have a need in your community, we ask that your Council still make a financial donation to the project so we have extra coats available when we get special requests from the public. In the past, I have had calls from the strangest places  – don’t know how they find my name –  but shows that Knights of Columbus are getting known for our charitable work of providing coats where there is a need.  I have received calls directly from schools, community organizations and individuals with immediate needs.  It is rewarding when we can provide for these specific requests.
Last year, we had a family of six escaping a domestic situation. They were on the run with nothing.  I was able to provide a warm coat for everyone in the family. The year before we looked after a family of nine who lost everything in a house fire. I was very proud to be a Knight of Columbus in those days.

This past year, we distributed 480 cases (5760 coats).  Let’s be ready to do it again.
If you want to have our second/last order by Remembrance Day (November 11th, 2023). I must have the attached order form by October 31, 2023. 
There will be no order accepted after October 31st, 2023.

Attached is the order form.  Please forward your order to Shawn Scherr at

You can call me at 306 222 9549 for more info.

Cheque payable to Sask K of C Charitable Foundation.

Send to Box 61, Station Main, Moose Jaw, Sask, S6H 4N7. Marked Coats for Kids in the notes, please. 

Shawn Scherr


Click here to download the form.


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