Coats for Kids
The K of C Coats for Kids program has provided an excellent opportunity for the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Councils to exemplify the lesson of Charity. Our members feel proud and rewarded by their opportunity to offer youth a warm coat so they can comfortably enjoy and participate in outdoor activities with their family and friends. This is a basic need that most individuals take for granted.
The province of Saskatchewan encompasses a total area of 251,000 square miles. Over 90% of our population is within the southern half of the province. Our winters can be challenging with temperatures occasionally reaching -30F.
Four years ago, the Sask K of C State Council, Sask K of C Charitable Foundation and the 130 Knight of Columbus Councils within Saskatchewan initiated the distribution of coats to those in need. Our partners included primary and secondary rural and urban schools. This proved to be an extremely successful means of distribution especially in lower income regions.
A number of the K of C Councils also recognized the need for support to immigrant families, especially recently displaced families from Ukraine, the Middle East etc. Many of these families are not accustomed to the climatic conditions within our area and require coats as well as other warm clothing during the winter months.
One of the most prominent partnerships recently established was with the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN). We also deal directly with 9 First Nations Tribal Councils and over 30 of the 74 individual First Nations Bands in the province. These partnerships have been an excellent medium for assisting youth and building relationships within the First Nations communities. As the awareness of our program increases, we are receiving a warm welcome and response from First Nations Bands in the far-reaching northern communities. As we crystalize these relationships, we must address the unique challenge of establishing efficient and effective means to meet the needs within the far-reaching corners of our province.
Four years ago, we were proud to distribute 1,000 coats to youth throughout our province. With the introduction and integration of our current strategic partnerships, we are now nearing 5,000 coats per year. We anticipate the participation to expand further as we continue to experience a growing need.