Charity Appeal – Refugee Family Malaysia Station
Dear Brother Knights,
Greetings in Jesus’s Name
I’m writing you with hope and trust to kindly donate to Dilshad and Ruby’s family for their refugee sponsorship to Canada. As I know them well, they are very God-fearing and God’s people. They suffered anxiety and depression in Maylasia, mistreated by authorities. They have no life there. Their son has no future. Ruby does fasting every Friday she said. She lit candles and said Novena to Mother Mary for her sponsorship funds every day at noon, she said.
Now we have been promised by a local Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) to set a side Quota for their refugee sponsorship that will expire in 45 days. I struggled a lot in seeking this quota. I really would like them to avail this opportunity. It’s only a matter of funds and no single person could donate 26’000.00. The Canadian Aid to Persecuted Christians has raised CAN$5000, so please contribute to the maximum amount and I can try raising the required amount.
Despite receiving so many people, Malaysia & Sri Lanka are not a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention nor its Protocol and do not have an asylum system regulating the status and rights of refugees. In other words, local laws do not distinguish between refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented migrants. The legal disparity leaves refugees without the right to work or send their children to school and leaves them vulnerable to detention by authorities and exploitation by employers. Another Catholic family member of Two appeals for sponsorship from Sri Lanka. Here is the news link to the UNHCR office
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Dilshad-Statement-Sep4APPEAL Donating them will save their life and give them hope in Christ. I’m hoping that you will consider this urgent request.
Nadeem Bhatti
Christian Refugee Relief
Knights of Columbus Saskatchewan