Alleged Blasphemy Stella Bibi Arrested
Stella Bibi, 26 years Christian mother alleged Blasphemy arrested
News Desk
May 22, 2024. a Christian woman Stella Bibi is arrested for Blasphemy after a 3rd attempt to accuse her, In the police station, Kotlie Loharaan of the village of Krottah Saeeda, Sialkot City Pakistan,
Earlier On August 27, 2023, a local Muslim resident Sayed Jawad Ali filed a First Investigation Report (FIR) No. 37645456 Police E-Tag# KTL-8/27/2023-4458 complaining to the police that an unknown person had written derogatory remarks in chalk against Islam on walls in various locations in the village. Waqas Ali, the Sub-inspector for the police, arrested Stella, who was taken into police custody for investigations.
After two days of investigations, Stella was set free, due to a lack of evidence against her.

On 7 January 2024, Sayed Jawad Ali filed a police report (# KTL-1/7/2024-88 Complaint) through the same police officer in the same police station. This time the complaint was that an unknown person had written derogatory remarks on two ten-rupee bills, which hurt the feelings of local Muslim residents. The police stated that this incident could create a war between local Christians and Muslims in the village. The CCTV camera footage provided to police by a Pastor, Pastor Ambrose, which does not provide evidence to support Stella’s arrest, was also taken by police. The ten-rupee bill has also not been presented as evidence.
On May 14. 2024, Stella was arrested a third time for alleged blasphemy. The police report was sealed this time and investigations are now underway. Sarwar, Stella’s husband was arrested as well. The police threatened Sarwar if he did not deny his relationship with Stella. Under Islamic marital law, Sarwar said Divorce, Divorce, Divorce three times in one breath. The police accepted this as his divorce and released him. Sarwar locked the house and escaped to a safe place along with his 2.5-year-old son.
A local Christian leader, Ghouri interviewed 15 residents, all of whom vouched for Stella Bibi. Adil also called a local peace committee meeting to intervene in this case.
Local Christian Pastors were gathered to discuss the matter and avoid bigger problems. Ghouri, a member of the local peace Committee, also called a meeting among Christians and Muslim leaders to discuss the matter.
Hard feelings started between Jawad Ali and Stella Bibi in mid-2023, when Jawad objected to Sunday services being held in the upper story of Stella’s two-story house. Jawad offered money to buy the house, but Stella disagreed as the house was inherited property. Though it’s a small house, Stella explained her forefathers gave it.
Stella is sent to prison and the court case begins against her. It can take up to 10 years, sometime before the final verdict of the court judgment.