Membership Message – March
Worthy Brother Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries:
As the State Membership Director, it is my job to try and assist Councils with their membership and help our State Deputy Larry Packet and his Team reach the State’s goals and your council’s goals in your roles as Grand Knight and the Financial Secretary.
I want to thank all of you for what you have done for the Knights and continue to do.
You have a member under your Prospect tab of member management on the website. Both of you have access to this tab.
Please call this member and try to arrange as a District or Council, and hold an exemplification to get these men active in your Councils. You can do this with them online, but in-person is better.
Arrange for the Degree Team or by yourself by downloading the booklet from our website and practice the readings so you can do this as a Council or District. -4 men are required plus Father your Field Agent and an acting Warden.
Good luck with these men- phone them, email them, but contact them.
Thank you again for all the work you do for the Knights.
Brother Dan for SD Larry and the State Team
Dan W. Devers SMD
Southern Marshal 4th Degree
CCC Assembly 1064, Regina, SK.
2723 Jolly Place E.
Regina, SK. S4V 0X8