Membership Message – April

Worthy Grand Knights or Financial Secretaries:

We are only 120 men short of our quota for this Columbian Year.  It is in our grasp to attain our Goal for our Council and our State.

We must continue our invitations to join our Councils and our Exemplifications to make this happen.  If every Council signed up just one new Knight, we would make this lofty goal and help your Council with your goals.  We have just under 2.5 months to make this a reality.

Brothers, this is the time to show our True Colours and get this done for our Legacy, and your Council’s Legacy, as we help send our State Deputy Larry off with a winning year of membership.

“Now is our time to shine”.

May God Bless You today and always.

Your Brother Dan

Dan W. Devers SMD
Southern Marshal 4th Degree
CCC Assembly 1064, Regina, SK.
2723 Jolly Place E.
Regina, SK. S4V 0X8


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