Knights of Columbus mentioned in the Saskatchewan Legislature

Brother Knights 

I was honoured as the State Deputy of our bountiful beautiful province to accept this recognition on behalf of every Knight who acts in Charity sharing with others. We are a Brotherhood banded together in faith and Unity to defend the widow and orphan. Seeking out those who are marginalized and in need of immediate rescue from the elements of life. Giving a child the warmth of a new winter coat humbles every man when you see the look in the eyes of the recipient, the laughter, the smiles, the look of hope, this sheer joy brings a burning fire to our souls. Brothers, we are enough every day if we give enough. I am very proud of every one of you who works in Charity, is strength in Unity and share daily Fraternity – not just within our Councils but with the communities we call our home. Congratulations to my Saskatchewan Brothers – we are recorded in Saskatchewan history for generations to come. Thank you to my dear friend Dana Skoropad MLA for Arm River – you are a breath of fresh air in everything you do for our home, Saskatchewan. 

Larry Packet, State Deputy, Saskatchewan 

View the recognition here.


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