Father Kunka Council 6594 Father’s Day BBQ and Cash Lottery

On Saturday, June 17,  Father Kunka Council held the draw for our Annual Father’s Day Cash  Lottery.

Congratulations to the Grand Prize winner ($1000.00), Ivan Berlinic, from Wadena. Congratulations to all winners. Picture attached. 

  I thank all our brothers who sold tickets. We sold out again!  Thank you for your hard work. Thank you to all who purchased tickets. Know that your support helps fund our programs in Rose Valley, Kelvington, Wadena and all places. 

  That night saw the return of our Father’s Day barbeque chicken supper. We barbequed 140 chicken halves and served over 120 people. After a 3 year hiatus, we weren’t sure whether we could pull it off, but judging by the comments and the compliments, it was a successful event! 

  Thank you to those who slaved over the hot, smoky grills and worked tirelessly in the kitchen, bar and Hall to ensure all our guests were looked after.

  Once again, Thank you for all your support. We are humbled by it. We hope to see all of you back here next year.

  May God continue to bless each and every one of you.

 Vivat Jesus 

Mitchell Staszczak GK 
Father Kunka Council #6594

Photo caption: l to r: Ivan Berlinic, GK Mitchell Staszczak


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