Ash Wednesday

Brother Knights,

As we embark on our Lenton journey this Valentine’s Day, are we prepared to journey through Lent with forgiveness, selflessness, prayer and fasting?

As the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday awakens us to Jesus’ entry into the desert preceding his death. Before Easter, we must prepare our hearts for His Resurrection for 40 days arriving on Easter Sunday. Arriving refreshed, awakened, and at peace.

We begin our season of preparing our hearts for Easter by recognizing our brokenness and need for conversion, a turning of our hearts to God. To love, to share, to care, to live.

Enjoy your Lenton journey Brothers I will pray for you, will you do the same?

“The ashes mean I’m a sinner. The shape of the cross means I have a Savior.”

Why Lent is 40 Days Long

Larry Packet, State Deputy, Saskatchewan


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